Bundkort, Intel d. 29. august. 2014, skrevet af freak_master 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 10618 gange.
Generelt synes jeg at bundkortet her har klaret sig rigtig godt hele vejen igennem testen, og generelt følger det rigtig godt med sin storebror Z97-PRO.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Funktionerne på bundkortet har vi set før, men at ASUS har fået presset dem alle sammen ned på et mini-ITX bundkort sammen med et WiFi/BlueTooth modul og mulighed for en M.2 SSD bag på.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Det der skal bruges følger med, og jeg havde faktisk ikke forventet en forlænger til knapperne og dioderne på kabinettet, men jeg kan forestille mig at den er rigtig god at have når bundkortet skal monteres i et lille kabinet.
Design/Layout - 5
Selve designet synes jeg ASUS har fået gjort rigtig godt, og bundkortet vil passe ind de fleste steder. Layout mæssigt synes jeg det er lidt utroligt at ASUS har fået plads til så mange ting på så lille et bundkort, især M.2 soklen på bagsiden kan jeg godt lide.
Software/BIOS - 5
BIOS'en har endelig fået mulighed for at stille XMP profilen i EZ Mode, hvilket er en ting jeg har savnet siden det blev introduceret. Resten af BIOS'en har ikke rigtig ændret sig fra Z87 serien, men det har også virket rigtig godt dengang. ASUS AI Suite fungerer også rigtig godt.
Ydelse - 4
Bundkortet har en smule svært ved at følge med i flere benchmarks, men jeg synes faktisk at kortet klare sig rigtig godt, størrelsen taget i betragtning, især med et overclock.
Pris - 4
Til lidt under 1000 kr. synes jeg at kortet her bestemt leverer varen og vil være en rigtig god kandidat til et lille men stadig meget hurtigt system. Du finder Asus Z97I-PLUS her
Overall, I think that the motherboard here has done really well throughout the test, and generally follows very well with the bigger Z97-PRO.
Innovation/Technology - 4
The features on the motherboard we have seen before, but ASUS has managed to squeeze them all down on a mini-ITX motherboard with a WiFi / BlueTooth module and the possibility of a Pattern 2 SSD back.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
What is needed is enclosed in and I actually had not expected an extension to the buttons and LEDs on the chassis, but I can imagine that it is good to have when the motherboard to be mounted in a small enclosure.
Design/Layout - 5
The design itself, I think ASUS has been done really well, and the motherboard will fit in most places. Layout wise, I think it's a little unbelievable that ASUS has fit so many things in such a small motherboard, especially M.2 socket at the rear I really like.
Software/BIOS - 5
BIOS finally got the opportunity to choose the XMP profile in EZ Mode, which is one thing I've missed since it was introduced. The rest of the BIOS has not really changed from the Z87 series, but it also works well at the time. ASUS AI Suite works really well.
Performance - 4
The motherboard has a bit difficult to keep up with several benchmarks, but I actually think that, taking into account the size, the card performs really well, especially with an overclock.
Price - 4
For a little less than 1000 DKK., I think that the card here certainly delivers the goods and will be a great candidate for a small but still very fast system.
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 86% |