Styre-enheder d. 31. maj. 2018, skrevet af Cardio 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 12970 gange.
En billig mus til gameren der ikke vil smide for meget efter en rimelig mus. Musen fejler absolut intet og til lidt over 300 kroner er det faktisk et okay køb. Der følger stort set intet med, og til en mus er det vel også ok til prisen. Det er ikke en mus jeg vil anbefale til de gamle gamere, men til konfirmanden er det fint
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Der er ikke sket det store, men musen følger med større titler i DPI og virker som den skal så et stabilt tretal.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 2
Jeg ved virkelig ikke hvad jeg skulle give for her ud over klistermærket
Design/Layout - 3
En rimelig mus med et rimeligt design. Det fangede aldrig rigtig mig desværre så et stabilt tretal
Software - 3
Softwaren fungere fuldstændig som den skal og er simpel og overskuelig igen uden at imponerer.
Ydelse - 3
Virker som den skal uden at imponere men var aldrig i nærheden af at få mindre end 3.
Pris - 4
Til omkring 300 kroner er det faktik en ok pris for hvad du får. Eneste firtal, men et stort et af slagsen.
A low cost mouse for the gamer that is looking for a reasonable mouse at a reasonable price point. There is nothing inherently wrong with this mouse and at just a bit more than 300 DKK it is an okay buy. There is pretty much not accessories at all, but that what you would expect. I won't recommend this mouse for the serious gamer, but the confirmand it is just fine.
Innovation/Technology - 3
There is not much to take notice of, but the DPI levels are up there with some of the best and it does what it is supposed to do.
Bundle/Accessories - 2
Other than a single sticker, there is nothing to get this grade further up.
Design/Layout - 3
A reasonable mouse with a reasonable design, which unfortunately never really go my attention.
Software - 3
The software is simple and intuitive, but again without really making a mark.
Performance - 3
Anything less than a three was never on the table, at it works just as intended, but without being truly impressive.
Price - 4
A price point at about 300DKK is actually pretty good considering what you get. Only grade of four, but a big one it is.
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 2 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 60% |