Test: Empire R-3200

Lyd d.  30. marts. 2007, skrevet af foo 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 9136 gange.

Billed behandling: 

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 
Produkt udlånt af: PT trading
DK distributør: MMD


R3200 mangler lige muligheden for at blive hængt på væg, og en smule fylde i mellemtone området, men ellers er der ikke noget at sætte fingre på.
Man har valgt den noget alternative løsning at sætte volumekontrollen på subwooferen, og jeg kan ikke helt blive enig med mig selv om jeg syntes det er smart eller ej.

Bundle - 4 point
Bundlet fejler som sådan ingenting, men et par vægbeslag til satellit højtalerne havde trukket det et ekstra nøk opad. Derfor bliver det "kun" til 4 point.

Innovation/Teknologi - 3 point
Et rimelig standard 2.1 højtaler sæt. Her er ikke rigtig noget nyt under solen rent teknologisk. R3200 byder på et nyt og anderledes design, og det er alt. Derfor lander vi her midt i.

Design - 4 point
Et noget nyt og meget anderledes design. Det er individuelt om man syntes om det, men jeg syntes det er rigtig lækkert, og det ligner at Empire har lagt sig i selen for at komme med noget anderledes end de gamle firkantede højtalere. Jeg syntes dog det er ærgerligt at man har sat volumen på subwooferen, så du er nødsaget til at have den stående på bordet. Derfor 4 point.

Software - N/A

Ydelse - 3 point
Ydelsen fejler som sådan ingenting, men brillere aldrig. Lidt mere fylde i mellemtone området ville gøre det perfekt, men ellers er der ikke det store at sætte fingre på rent ydelsemæssigt. De kunne dog godt spille en smule højere uden det gjorde noget. De små fejl som der er, er ikke så store.

Pris - 4 point
I skrivende stund set til 514 kr. på EDBpriser, hvilket må siges at være en helt fin pris, det hele taget i betragning. Man får et sæt højtalere der har et toplækkert design hvor ydelsen er meget fin (ikke perfekt). Så det giver 4 på min indre skala.

UK Summary

R3200 lacks the opportunity to be hung on a wall, and just a bit more fill in the middle-frequencies, besides that, there isn't really anything to put my finger on.
Empire have chosen the more alternative solution, and have placed the volume on the subwoofer, and I can't really agree with my self whether I like that solution.

Bundle - 4 points
There isn't really anything wrong with the bundle, but a couple of brackets to mount the satellites on a wall would give it some extra. Therefore it "only" becomes 4 points.

Innovation/Technology - 3 points
A pretty standard 2.1 speaker set. There aren't really anything new under the sun from a technological aspect. R3200 has a new and interesting design, but that's it. Therefore I land in the middle of the scale.

Design - 4 points
The R3200 has a new and a very different design. It is off course a personal matter whether you like it or not, but I think that it is very nice, and it seems like Empire have worked hard to come up with something brand new and different from the old squared speakers. I do think that its kind off a shame that the volume is on the subwoofer. Because of that, I land on 4 points.

Software - N/A

Performance - 3 points
There isn't anything wrong with the performance, but it's never perfect. A bit more fill in the middle-frequencies would however make it perfect. Besides that I don't have anything to mention on the performance. It would have been nice if they would have played just a bit louder. Those small flaws that there are, aren't that big.

Price - 4 points
As this is written the price is 514 DKK, which is a fair and right price, everything considered. You get a set off speakers with a nice design, and a very fair performance. That's a 4 on my scale.

Test: Empire R-3200
Innovation / Teknologi4
Bundle - Tilbehør3
Design - Layout4

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