Nyhedsbrev fra "Corsair" - det bør læses

Diverse d.  27. juni. 2001, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 413 gange.

Vores nyhedsbreve fra Corsair bør nærlæses - det er rigtig spændende læsning.......

"Corsair" memory som vi meget gerne så her i Europa er noget af det bedste du kan få i dine RAM sokler....!
- læs selv hvad de skriver i nyhedsbrevet om nye ultra hurtige RAM produkter.

Memory Beat by Corsair - http://www.corsairmicro.com/main/technl.htm

M E M O R Y B E A T b y C O R S A I R
J u n e , 2 0 0 1
In this issue:

* XMS2400 (300 MHz) Cas Latency 2 DDR Modules!
* Memory Support for Tyan's Thunder K7 Motherboard
* 512 MByte modules at 150 MHz
* Reviews of XMS2400 Modules


XMS2400 (300 MHz) Cas Latency 2 DDR Modules!

Corsair is now shipping 128 MByte and 256 MByte DDR SDRAM modules which
are tested at 300 MHZ! These parts provide about the most memory
bandwidth available for any system, at a very affordable price. Click
below to learn about these incredibly hot parts!



Memory Support for Tyan's Thunder K7 Motherboard

The Thunder K7 from Tyan is the hottest board on the market today - the
only dual-Athlon motherboard currently available! Corsair has qualified
memory for this board, both in our own lab as well as at Tyan. Read below
to learn more...



512 MByte modules at 150 MHz

Corsair is now offering 512 MByte SDRAM DIMMs running at 150 MHz!. .
This additional speed provides additional performance margin in
standard configurations, and provides the ultimate in fast memory for
enthusiasts. These modules are 100% tested at 150 MHz. Click below to
learn more.



Reviews of XMS2400 Modules

Read the reviews at the URLs listed below to discover just how fast the
new XMS2400 modules can go!



Copyright June, 2001, Corsair Memory, Inc. All rights reserved.
See www.corsairmicro.com/main/legal.html for terms of use.