Duron 1.3 Ghz

Diverse d.  22. januar. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 332 gange.

Så lancerer AMD deres næste skridt i Duron rækken, nemlig 1.3 Ghz.
Udover det sædvanlige skulle denne cpu være optimeret til Windows XP og understøtte Double Data Rate, or DDR, memory.

"With the 1.3GHz AMD Duron processor, AMD delivers tremendous performance to mainstream PC users. DDR memory taps into the processor?s performance potential even further. In tandem, AMD Duron processor-based systems with DDR memory can offer cost-conscious purchasers better performing, more cost-effective PCs than widely available competitive products,? said Ed Ellett, vice president of Marketing for AMD?s Computation Products Group."

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