Apollo Devil Monster Radeon 7500 Pro

Diverse d.  31. januar. 2002, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 347 gange.

Joytech har også et lidt mindre grafikkort - nemlig deres, Apollo Devil Monster Radeon 7500 Pro der leveres med 64MB til 128MB SDRAM i forhold til storebror der leveres med DDR RAM - læs deres pressemeddelse her :

" Apollo brand name builds new milestone of the Mainstream level 128MB 3D Graphics Card for Home and Value PC" ? Apollo Devil Monster Radeon 7500 Pro

We are so honored to introduce you that Joytech is ATi?s first-tier third party Add In Board (AIB) manufacturer for cooperative partners to manufacture the ATI VGA card. Especially, we have carried a full product line of 128MB VGA card on different PC's segments for the Entertainment, Game, Home and Value PC also.

Now, we are so proud to present the Apollo Devil Monster Radeon 7500 Pro in worldwide. Powered by ATI RADEON 7500 GPU, APOLLO Devil Monster RADEON 7500 Pro is first tier ATI's third party AIB (Add-in-board) manufacturing with powerful 128MB memory. With CHARISMA's GPU engine to accelerate the latest 2D and 3D graphics, versatile applications and games. Additionally we achieve to manage dual display monitor application by free bundled HydraVision multiple monitor software. This card is aimed the mainstream level for Home or Value PC, which 3D performance surpasses Nvidia's GeForce2 MX 400 over 50% and approaches the GeForce 2 Pro.

Why we need 128MB graphics memory? For the current phase, VGA card owns powerful 3D engine ability to running the 3D games, even so it is not enough to fulfill the end user's extensive demand for concurrently heavy loading applications. In order to support these heavy loading applications, we intend to expand the memory from 64MB to 128MB, which is adequate for DirectX8.0 or later 3D games and Dual display monitors applications for CAD/ CAM, web page and program development, multimedia video editing and content creation.

About Joytech
Joytech is an internationally recognized manufacturer of PC-3D graphics products. With the explosion of multimedia in recent years, Joytech has helped PC users worldwide to appreciate the true potential of multimedia - Users can now create and experience life-like 3D games, texture-rich graphics, smooth animations, Virtual Reality Applications and professional video productions like never before. Furthermore, Joytech has been created the Apollo brand name is one of reputable in
worldwide. Today, Joytech's 3D graphics card offer the best performance and value
money can buy, utilizing the most cutting edge 3D technologies available. Products of JOYTECH include the acclaimed APOLLO brand name- APOLLO Devil Monster Radeon full product line series of 3D graphics card with unique 128MB memory on the board for PC's users, GeForce full product lines series of 3D graphics card, and 3D thrill series of mainstream and value 3D graphics card.