Diverse d.  18. marts. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 386 gange.

Hardware Extreme har testet et ECS K7VTA3.
ECS er jo ikke kendt for at være det vildeste overclockings-kort, og heller ikke for at have den vildeste ydelse.
Det er derimod kendt for at være et stabilt bundkort til en rigtig pris.
Hardware Extreme syntes at dette kort lever op til deres forventninger, og at det stort set ikke har nogen virkelige mangler, men det kommer jo an på hvad man sætter af forventninger.
Læs deres test af boardet her:

Du kan også læse et "Quote" de har sendt mig om kortet:

If you are looking for a solid board that will not let you down, and that supports AMD Athlon and DDR memory at a low price, this is the board for you. Although it is not the best performer, if you consider the price that you are paying, this is the best value socket KT266A board on the market."

"Yup, this board is designed for those of us that lack the bucks to get a $150 motherboard, but still want to have AMD Athlon and DDR-SDRAM's performance. ECS's K7VTA3 ver2.0 is based on VIA's KT266A chipset, and packs quite a punch for the price."

"Surprisingly, this board provides some overclocking features which are not available on most other ECS boards, including the older model of the K7VTA3. This could be a solution for some of the ?newbie? users who just want to do an ounce of ?oc-ing? or just to try it out but if you plan to do some heavy duty overclocking, you are barking up the wrong tree my friend."