AMS Elec. gTower CF-1006 Alu kabinet

Diverse d.  19. marts. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 330 gange.

Virtual Hideout har haft fat i et Alu kabinet fra AMS Electronics.
Det tegner på en fed test, der viser alle features fra dette lækre kabinet.
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"Wow, I have finally finished the review. AMS Electronics are on a very good road to producing some of the best aluminum chassis that are on the market. Since this is the first product I have seen from AMS Electronics, I am simply amazed at the quality and the thought they put into it. The definitely did a lot of home work. Now this case is not in any means a perfect case, but in my opinion I don't think there is that perfect case unless you build it the way that you want. The looks of the case are that of no other aluminum case that I have seen. With the Lian-Li cases you get that rugged feel from the looks of the case, and with the gTower CF-1006 you get the aluminum ruggedness but you also get the feeling that you have in your possession the looks of a model. The case is gorgeous and appeals to many different people."

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