Thermal Take Volcano 7+

Diverse d.  19. marts. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 303 gange.

Voidedwarranty (lækkert navn ik') har fået fat i Thermal takes bud på den bedste eksisterende køler.
Og det er der noget der tyder på at den er, da denne køler virkelig rykker hårdt i forhold til Thermal takes tidligere model; Volcano 6, som den er sat op imod.

"As you can see the Volcano 7+ rocks. Just check out those temps. I have yet to test the temps on the medium and low settings but I really don't have the desire to do that. The noise level really isn't that bad. It has kind of a lower sound than the Volcano 6 Cu+ so I am pretty happy with it. However the medium and low settings are even more quiet. If you want to test the temps for these settings than go out and buy one. Trust me when I say that it's worth it. I suggest using the low or medium settings for word processing and surfing the web. Then when you start to bust out with the hard core Quake Fragging turn this Hell of a Sink up to high mode and get your Frag on. Voided Warranty would like to thank Thermaltake for providing us with this kick ass HSF."

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