ASUS T9 Notebook

Diverse d.  27. marts. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 323 gange. er begyndt at teste notebooks, og de starter med en test af Asus' T9.
Det er en bærbar i mellemklassen, der består af en en PIII 900mhz, men den har nogle lækre feauteres som indbygget mp3-afspiller.

"The T9 fits the reputation that ASUS has become known for: our test system was high in quality and worked as advertised right out of the box. ASUS took the T9 to the next step by giving it an attractive an easy to use design that incorporates features not found in notebooks at the sub $2000 level. Perhaps the most unique feature, the ASUS DJ MP3 player, is a great idea but could have been exponentially more useful if it made use of a more detailed LCD and additional storage space. Another great feature of the T9 is the easy access it provides to vital system components. With the T9 it is actually possible to upgrade many parts of the notebook including the CPU."

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