Creative GeForce 4 Ti4400

Diverse d.  27. marts. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 286 gange.

OcPrices har haft fat i et rigtig lækker kort fra Creative.
Det er deres Ti4400 GF4 kort, som de virkelig presser safter ud af.
De klarer faktisk at overclocke dette kort fra 275/550 til 325/677 med standard køler.

"Overclocking these new cards is effortless. Not only is clock support included in Creative's 27.50-based drivers, but NVmax supports the card straight out of the box. The cards default clock speeds are 275MHz for the core and 550MHz DDR for the memory. On the core I managed to overclock to a whopping 325MHz with the default cooler, and a massive 677MHz DDR on the memory."