INTEL vs. AMD @ Anand

Diverse d.  02. april. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 387 gange.

Anandtech har også lavet en fed test, hvor Intels P4 2,4Ghz northwood kæmper mod sin største konkurrent, AMD Athlon XP2100+
Der er 11 AMD/INTEL cpu'er med i testen, som du kan læse her:

"The Athlon and Athlon XP processors have been outperforming Intel's Pentium 4 line ever since its release in November of 2000; but now with the Northwood core and higher clock speeds, the performance game is much more competitive. Bringing the 133MHz FSB to the table will grant these CPUs another 0 - 15% boost in performance (depending on the application, but most will be around 5%) and that performance delta will only grow as applications become more demanding and the Pentium 4 increases in clock speed even more."