GeForce 4 MX440 x 2

Diverse d.  09. april. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 395 gange.

Hardware extreme kigger nærmere på to GeForce 4 MX440 kort.
De har lavet en lang og gennemgående test, hvor de har sat kortene op mod et GeForce 3 Ti200, hvilket nok er den helt rigtige modstander......Disse kort er med i testen:

EVGA GeForce4 MX 440

X-Micro GeForce4 MX 440

"For the low price of this card combined with the great performance, it's definitely a great buy. As far as the individual company cards go, if you are looking for a card that has a lot of extra bundles, comes with a lot of extra features and is heading in the retail market while retailing a fair amount more, then your definite path is the eVGA GF4 MMX440."