NV30 rygter

Diverse d.  09. april. 2002, skrevet af [storm] 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 310 gange.

Følgende specifikationer er taget fra www.vr-zone.com og er kun rygter:

NV30 aka Omen Rumored Specs

AGP 4x and 8x
Copper Core GPU Processor 0.13 m default clock 450 MHz
73 million transistors
8 pipes
128 MB DDR-SDRAM @ 375 MHz x2 = 750Mhz and 256 bit yes 256 bit
DirectX 9.x compatible
Quad Vertex Shaders
Dual Pixel Shaders
85 bone capable
Lightspeed Memory Architecture III
Quad Cache memory caching subsystem
Dual Z-buffers for greater compression without losses
visibility subsystem
NvAuto advanced pre-charge
Advanced Hardware Anisotropic Filtering - A new 12nvx mode that delivers improved subpixel coverage, texture placement and quality. 12nvx mode should deliver 80% better subpixel coverage and placement than previous modes
Hardware bumpmapping
4 Textures/Pixel in a single clock cycle "loop back" can also apply an additional 4 textures per rendering pass
A separate second copper processor running at 450Mhz an 0.13m as well - handle all T&L now called TT&L (True Time and lighting) and NVAutoShaper a new prechached and precacheable system
Programmers can also add shapes to be temporarily stored in precache to speed things up
Latest OpenGL
Backward glide game capable thanks to NvBlur (Yes a new version of Glide!)
NView Multi-display Technology
Built in re-programmable DVD and TV decoder chip