Asus GeForce3 V8200 Ti500 Deluxe

Diverse d.  22. april. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 402 gange.

IPkonfig har et rigtig lækkert deluxe grafikkort på testbænken.
Det er Asus's GeForce 3 Ti500 der står for skud.
Kortet er naturligvis så hurtigt som man kan forvente, men er prisen mon ikke også lige så høj som hastigheden...

"It's time to grab that cup of coffee; this one is going to thrill you beyond imagination. Asus, as we all know, has built some of the top performing video cards ever to hit the market. This card, however, has gone beyond expectations, beyond its limits, and surpassed a gamer's dream. The Asus V8200 Ti500 Deluxe is more than just a video card; it's a peace of Asus art work!"