LiteOn 24x10x40x External USB 2.0 CD/RW

Diverse d.  17. maj. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 433 gange.

3DXtreme har haft en 24x speed brænder til test. Det er en Ekstern USB brænder denne gang, og de er da også blevet en del mere spændende eftersom vi nu har USB 2,0 controllere.

"While the Liteon 24x10x40 is agreeably more of a luxury item than a necessity for most users, I feel that techs on the go will have the most use for a unit like this. Liteon brings the same level of quality to this drive as they do to all their other products and there's no reason why I wouldn't suggest a second look at this drive for someone in the market for an external CD-RW drive. Laptop users and users lacking the motherboard support to add an IDE CD-RW should also consider this route. The Liteon 24x10x40x performed as well as any internal IDE CD-RW drive would. The read and write speeds really didn't differ at all and the drive burned perfect copies of the software I made backups with. Also burning MP3 to CDA and CDA rips to MP3 worked as flawlessly as my 40x12x48x internal IDE Liteon burner does."