XFX Geforce4 MX440

Diverse d.  19. maj. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 311 gange.

3dXtreme har haft et GeForce 4 MX440 fra XFX på testbænken.

"Today 3dXtreme has the opportunity to review the first product in the XFX line of Geforce4 video cards. The first card released is the XFX Geforce4 MX440 video card. XFX is a new division of Pine Technologies (www.pineusa.com) and I am more than delighted that they let me test one of their new products. I really am quite excited to see what this card based on the new Geforce4 MX GPU (NV17) can do however it is still considered a budget card. The XFX Geforce 4 MX440 with TV out only costs $119 and will however it's probably the fastest card you can buy for $120. Keep in mind that the nVidia Detonator drivers are a unified ongoing project for nVidia and with each release users at all levels gain more speed, performance and compatibility. With this in mind no matter how much you spend on a graphics card produced by nVidia you will always be able to benefit from the continued improvement of the drivers."
