Diverse d.  05. juni. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 266 gange.

MSI KT3 er blevet et meget kendt board over hele verden. Det er blevet testet og rost næsten alle steder. Nu har Viperlair også haft det på testbænken:

"With the KT3 Ultra-ARU, MSI hopes to continue the tradition of offering quality motherboards. Early indications look good, as everything one would want in a modern Athlon motherboard is present. The KT333? Checked. ATA133 support? Checked. RAID? Checked. USB 2.0? Checked. Good software bundle? Checked. No on-board audio? Well, it's here, but it isn't as bad as one would expect, as it has 6-channel support."