Nvidia bekræftiger 333 FSB for AMD processorer

Diverse d.  16. august. 2002, skrevet af bruger66666 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 381 gange.

The Inquirer skriver:

Nvidia confirms 333 FSB for AMD

In its conference call

By Fuad Abazovic: fredag 16 august 2002, 16:03

I HAVE JUST LISTENED to yesterday's Nvidia conference call held yesterday, and we heard very nice things there.
As you might know Nvidia is relying on its Nforce 2 chipset a lot in this quarter and it assumes it they will gain some profit even in this area competing with Via's just announced KT400 chipsets.

Jen Hsun was proud to say that Nvidia has the highest performance and feature DDR 400 chipset with the first industry support for 333 FSBs.

So yes, it's true, Athlon will eventually evolve to 333 MHZ FSB and will be able to stay in track for P4 533 MHz fight. To remind, you even the ancient SIS 735 chipset had support for FSB 333. We are not sure when AMD will introduce these chips but we reckon rather sooner than later. Nforce 2 will be very popular if the prices are targeted in the right area. µ

Læs her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=5002