Alt om QuakeCon QuakeCon blev Første gang afhholdt i 1996, arrangeredt af id Software game fans.
Deres oprindelige mål var at:
Møde venner fra nettet i virkeligheden.
Tale med de folk der lavede deres yndlingsspil.
Diskutere spil med nye, såvel som "gamle" spiludviklere.
At spille verdens bedste multiplayer spil over verdens bedste LAN netværk med folk fra hele spilverdenen.
Idag erQuakeCon's mission stadig den samme og meget mere.
With the help of id Software, 1996 marked the beginning of QuakeCon. The inaugural venue was the La Quinta Inn in Garland, TX (a short drive to id Software's headquarters in Mesquite, TX). This event was organized independently by members of the online gaming community. As news of the event spread, the anticipated attendance of 50 soon tripled. Over the next year as the Quake community grew, so did interest in QuakeCon. 1997 saw a larger conference room booked at the Holiday Inn in Plano, TX and attendance topped 650. Local television stations, Gamespot, PC Games, Blue's News, Shugashack, Stomped, and many other online gaming sites covered the event. With the support and assistance of id Software and Activision the event was a huge success.
In 1999 the online gaming community descended on Mesquite, TX. The Mesquite Convention Center and Hampton Inn & Suites played host to a BYOC LAN of over 500 computers with total attendance exceeding 1100 people. For QuakeCon 99 id Software became more than just a sponsor by joining gaming community organizers in planning for the event and coming to play with their fans! QuakeCon 99 raised the bar for years to come in terms of LAN setup and performance, providing a superior playing experience for novice and experienced players alike. With the help of our sponsors - id Software, Activision, AMD, Apple Computer, ATI Technologies, Logitech, Linksys, and Lucent Technologies - QuakeCon 99 was the best yet!
The 2000 edition of QuakeCon was held again at the Mesquite Convention Center and Hampton Inn & Suites. id Software's sponserhip allowed QuakeCon to double in size over 1999. More than 3000 attendees enjoyed the huge exhibit area featuring E3 quality displays from the likes of Activision, Apple, Sega, and many other. The BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) area, powered by LinkSys, also grew larger to a 1300 seat LAN party, the largest of its kind in North America. QuakCon expanded in conferences and seminars, and also featured several contests and giveaways for attendees.
QuakeCon 2001 was the best QuakeCon so far! This edition hosted The $50,000 NVIDIA® Championship Quake III Arena 512 person tournament, more conferences, and a WILD Party Saturday Night. More giveways and contests on the huge BYOC floor, including the now famous case-mod contest, judged by the members of
And now we come to 2002. Of course this year's QuakeCon will be bigger and better than ever. But what surprises do we have planned? Stay tuned to find out!
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ATI's Quake III Arena Championships at QuakeCon 2002 Most details are still forthcoming, but here are the facts available:
First Place: $20,000
Second Place: $10,000
Third Place: $5,000
Fourth Place: $3,000
Fifth Place: $2,000
Tournament PC Specs:
AMD Athlon(tm) XP Processor 2000+*
Gigabyte GA-7VTXE+ Socket A DDR Motherboard (Via based)
512MB PC2100 DDR Memory
60.0GB IBM EIDE Hard Drive 7200 RPM
1.44MB Floppy Drive
Toshiba Bare DVD Drive
SoundBlaster Live! Value Sound Card
Inwin S700 ATX Mini Tower w/300W Power Supply
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Operating System
PCI 3Com 3C905 10/100
ATI Video Card to be provided (details will be provided)
Tournament Maps:
The Free-For-All Elimination portion will be played on q3dm7 and q3dm12.
The 1v1 Elimination portion will be played on pro-q3dm6, pro-q3tourney4, ztn3tourney1, and ospdm8.
The Championship Match will be played on pro-q3dm6.
Headphones, Keyboards, and Mice:
All players must bring their own headphones with at least a six foot cord to use on the tournament PC's. Additionally, if they wish, a player may bring their own keyboard and/or mouse.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Team Tournament
at QuakeCon 2002