Chaintech A-GT61 Geforce 4 Ti4600

Diverse d.  19. august. 2002, skrevet af Queenbitch 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 288 gange.

Chaintech A-GT61 Geforce 4 Ti4600 128 mb special edition er blevet kigget på af Explosivelabs, på deres side kan man se hvordan kortet klarer sig imod et Leadtek GeForce 4 Ti4400 128 mb og et Radeon 8500 128mb kort.

Først en lille forsmag på hva de skriver før du går ind og ser hvor overlegent den faktisk klarede sig

"Currently if you are an avid computer user looking for the highest performance in graphics your going to lean towards a Geforce 4 Ti4600, why? Because gamers these days and tweakers alike want the absolute fastest gaming experience possible in any given game. So of course they are going to want the best and nothing less. nVidia's Geforce 4 Titanium series is the answer. the nVidia Geforce 4 Titanium series is the top choice among gamers because it provides silky smooth gameplay with beatuiful textures at high resolutions".

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