Performance er ikke kun hardware

Diverse d.  27. august. 2002, skrevet af bruger66666 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 413 gange.

Hvad nytter dat at du har det hurtigste hardware, hvis dit operativsystem ikke er optimeret..... skriver
Welcome to the Windows® XP Tips section on the Active Network. All Windows XP based news will appear on the front page of In this section you can learn all our latest tips and tricks and then try them out yourself on your Windows XP machine. If you are just starting out.

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Axcel216 skriver

Greetings, Fellow WinDOwS User

This site is huge... over 100 pages [with 1000+ ©tricks] and counting.
So you need to take a break from whatever you were doing, brew a fresh coffee pot, fill up your XL mug [but don't spill it on your keyboard ;)], kick back, relax, and only after that, dig in, 1 tip at a time.
All these steps must be performed in this exact order for maximum comfort. :-)

Microsoft declared Windows 98, 95, 3.xx and MS-DOS 6.xx (ALL flavors) "obsolete". :(
But I didn't! :) And here is the proof...

The main goal of these pages is to transform your PC into the ultimate, extremely tweaked, mean machine you have always dreamed of, even if you don't have the fastest hardware available under the sun. Nonetheless, if you do own a fast rig, this will squeeze the last atom of performance it is capable of, making it soar at MAX Speeed.
MOTTO: "Do U Feeel The Neeed 4 Speeed?"
PS: As you can see, in my book "Speeed" ALWAYS (mis)spells with 3 "e"-s! ;)
And now the fun begins...

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