test af 4 stk bundkort bygget på Kt400 chipsettet

Diverse d.  05. september. 2002, skrevet af @lf 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 465 gange.

Toms hardware guide har testet 4 stk. bundkort bygget på kt400 chipsettet
De 4 testede motherboards er Asus A7V8X, Gigabyte GA-7VAXP, MSI KT4 Ultra og QDI KuDoZ 7X.

AMD is back! Thanks to the Athlon XP 2600+, the chip manufacturer is now able
to catch up with the fastest Pentium 4 systems over 2.5 GHz. Equally important,
however, is a fast platform. VIA's new KT400 chipset promises more performance
because it supports DDR400 memory. We put the first four motherboards through
intensive testing - and the results are astonishing.

Se testen her : http://www.tomshardware.com/mainboard/02q3/020905/index.html