Shuttle følger trop....

Diverse d.  14. september. 2002, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 342 gange.

Her er deres pressemeddelse :

Shuttle Computer Handels GmbH European Headquarters
Fritz-Strassmann-Strasse 5, D-25337 Elmshorn, Germany
Verkauf: (+49) 4121/476-860, Fax ?900,
Press Release, 1. Sept. 2002

Shuttle presents VIA KT400 Mainboard: AK37GTR
Shuttle continues to aggressively update their product range of outstanding mainboards and mini barebone systems and proudly announces its latest VIA KT400 chipset based mainboard AK37GTR.

VIA KT400 chipset
Shuttle AK37GTR definitely takes advantage of VIAs latest chipset technology for AMD Athlon XP processors. Building on the success of the VIA Apollo KT333, the VIA Apollo
KT400 together with its new southbridge VT8235 offers some new performance features: ultra fast AGP 8X graphics, enhanced memory bandwidth, USB2.0, and an
8X V-Link chip interconnect.

AGP 8X graphics support
Shuttle AK37GTR supports the very latest I/O technologies including AGP 8X deriving maximum performance from the most powerful graphics processors. AGP 8X provides a maximum data transfer rate of up to 2.1 GB/s for the most demanding 3D graphics applications.

NVidia and VIA have already certified the AGP 8X compliance of AK37GTR.

AGP mode maximum transfer rate :
1X 266 MB/s
2X 533 MB/s
4X 1.0 GB/s
8X 2.1 GB/s

AK37GTR will be available at the beginning of October.

Læs meget mere om specifikationerne på det nye AK37GTR bundkort her :