Akasa AK-821 CPU Køler

Diverse d.  18. september. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 402 gange.

Systemcooling har endnu en gang fat i en køler fra Akasa. Den er sat op mod en anden køler fra Akasa, så læs testen, for at se hvem af de to, der er den bedste AMD køler.

"No, it?s not a typo. I?m reviewing another Akasa. Last time I ran a comparison review of the Akasa AK-824 and my MCXC370 paired with the screamin? Delta 60mm. It was more of an apples and oranges test. This week we pit the brothers against each other in a no-holds-barred cage match. As is my custom, I started my prep work by researching this unit on the net. I searched for costs, specs and previous reviews. I certainly didn?t want to foist a simple regurgitation of an existing work on you where we would both be done a disservice. I hope I bring a fresh look to reviews that are both informative and interesting."

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