PROLINK announces PixelView GeForce4 MX440-8X

Diverse d.  25. september. 2002, skrevet af @lf 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 442 gange.

Prolink Microsystems Corporation er på banen med et nyt grafikkort og de er bla.
kendte for deres stabilitet og de første der var på banen med AGP8X.
Læs mere herunder :

The First AGP 8X VGA leads into a new era of processing subsystem
Prolink leads off!! Release GeForce4 MX440-8X featured with 128MB DDR memory

Prolink Microsystems Corporation - the leader in VGA & Multimedia add-on cards not only chases for stability
of VGA performing, but also the first manufacturer to develop the new revolutionary processing AGP8X subsystem
Moreover, Prolink lead off to release GeForce4 MX440-8X equipped with 128MB DDR memory that highly raise
the graphics performance and offer the excellent visual satisfaction.
Heads to create MX440-8X series featured with 128MB DDR
Proved by Prolink's lab, GeForce4 MX440-8X has the better performance and best resolution of TMDS under 3Dmark
SE Resolution 1280*1024*32bit 2x FSAA situation and also deliver the most vivid graphics environments ever seen
on a desktop PC.
Ambitious to lead hardware specialists and gamers experience higher speed of AGP8X processing
subsystem and upgrade to smoother and perfect 3D environment.
Revolutionary new processing subsystem AGP8X
GeForce4 MX440-8X creates new technology on processing subsystem to show its great compatibility supporting both for
AGP3.0 and AGP2.0 compatible with current AGP specifications (AGP 8X/4X/2X/1X), so users don't have to worry about the
compatibility problems with the previous motherboard. Besides great compatibility, GeForce4 MX440-8X also grandly raises
the graphics performance and bring consumers to highly dedicated 3D graphics environment. Through testing experiment of Prolink's
testing laboratory, GeForce4 MX440-8X indeed perform much better than MX440 with AGP4X and gain a quiet raise on 3D performance
both on "Quake III" and "3D MARK 2001 SE" testing program.

PixelView GeForce4 MX440- 8X series
GeForce4 MX440-8X series are powered by powerful NVIDIA GeForce4 MX440-8X GPU and combined with Prolink's outstanding hardware design,
good-quality fans that own great heat-expelling effect, two VGA connectors (optional from models to models) and various types on memory
or video-out for consumers to choose. The core clock speed up to 275MHz and memory clock speed up to 550MHz, there are two available RAM
type for choices - 64MHz and 128MHz DDR to provide ample performance. And it still owns the outstanding features of previous generation like:
1. Lightspeed Memory Architecture II (LMAII):driving highly - efficient memory bandwidth.
2. Accuview antialiasing techniques:providing excellent image and visual quality.
3. nView display technology:flexible multi-display choice for users.
4. T&L engine supporting pictures with more elegant presentation on shadows and lighting. The integrated functions of graphic chipset indeed
bring consumers enjoy real 3D image situation.

Hardware Specification
Graphics Engine NVIDIA GeForce4 MX440-8X GPU
Model Number

(w/64M,TV) MVGA-NVG18A
(w/64M,TV, DVI)



Video Memory 64MB DDR Memory 128MB DDR Memory
Effective Core Clock 250MHz
Memory Clock 420MHz 520MHz 520MHz
TV-Out Resolution 1024 x 768
Bus standard AGP 8X
Refresh Rate 60-240 Hz
TV-Out support
DVI Support (only for w/DVI model)
Video-In Support (only for w/VIO model)