Thermaltake 360W Strømforsyning

Diverse d.  27. september. 2002, skrevet af @lf 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 363 gange.

Ocmodshop har fået fingrene i Thermaltake's nyeste guf nemlig der 360W strømforsyning.
Thermaltake er meget kendte for deres Cpu kølere og chipset kølere, men nu vil de
også prøve sig frem på psu markedet.
Hvordan de klarer det kan du læse herunder.

Thermaltake, well known for their line of Orb CPU heatsinks and
chipset coolers such as the infamous blue orb, have recently ventured out
into other markets, namely the power supply market. The power supply market
is flooded with companies, but only a few really stand out as top performers
for enthusiasts, such as Antec and Sparkle. In this review we'll find out if
Thermaltake performs with the best of them or suffers from problems that
plague most cheap PSUs.

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