VoyeurMods SF50 Modded Aluminums kabinet

Diverse d.  24. oktober. 2002, skrevet af @lf 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 519 gange.

pcreviewspot.com har kigget nærmere på VoyeurMods SF50 Modded Aluminums kabinet hvilket er et ret
fedt kabinet.
Læs mere herunder.

Now modding has been quite in the shadows and part of the minority
for a while now, but with the introduction of aluminum, better
looking, and easier to cut cases, modding has taken a jump! Modding
can be quite tedious for the beginner, especially if you have just
recently acquired a dremel and want to learn how to use it before
lobbing off your fingers. Voyeur Mods has taken a big step (along
with others), and now offer pre-modded cases! Windows, blow holes,
lights, molding, etc; pretty much whatever you want done, they will
do it - and as everything, it comes at a price. Today we will be
taking a look at the SF50 Modded Case.

læs mere her : http://www.pcreviewspot.com/index.php?id=reviews/cases/sf50/index