Få AMD 2400+ XP til at køre med 333 FSB

Diverse d.  02. november. 2002, skrevet af bruger66666 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 395 gange.

Ocworkbench.com har en guide til hvordan man kan "unlocke" AMD's 2400+ XP CPU til en lavere multiplier indstilling for at opnå 333 MHz på FSB'en.

De skriver bla. :

We read about Gao's method of unlocking the Tbred processor and decided to give it a try. Before we carry on, there is something we ought to know. There are no more laser holes on the L1 bridge and connecting the L1 bridge doesn't "unlock" it since the current batches of Tbreds so far come unlocked in multipliers. To enable the lower multipliers, connect the 5th bridge on L3 to enable the lower multipliers.

As we all know, meddling with the bridges and warranty stickers on the bridges voids warranty, Gao from Japan discovered a method sometime ago which allows you to modify your Tbred by shorting two pins beneath the processor to enable the lower multipliers of the processor. This trick is easier and it can be easily done since conductive ink might not be easily available in your country.

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