Så er AOpen på banen med deres nye Aeolus TI4200S 8X - læs deres nyhed herunder.
's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherland, Nov 4, 2002 - AOpen launchs Aeolus TI4200S 8X AGP card which provides the best choice and 8X AGP performance for AOpen customers.
Choose nVIDIA powerful GPU Geforce 4 TI4200 8X as core of APG card and Aeolus TI4200S 8X use 3.6ns high speed DDR Video memory which can easily hit highest performance. Not only on the performance enhance but also embedded with full functions with VIVO and dual monitor support. Aeolus TI4200S 8X also addressed with Golden bracket and Golden DVI/VIDEO/CRT connectors to bring out No. 1 position in 8X market.
Use AOpen Aeolus TI4200S 8X, you are always get no. 1.
Aeolus TI4200S 8X
Absolute : nVIEW2.0 - Best Multi-Display Solutions
extreme : 3.6ns 500MHz above Video Memory Clock
optimize : 128MB Large Video DDR Memory
luxury : Golden Bracket and Golden DVI/VIDEO/CRT connectors
ultimate : 270MHz Core - Geforce 4 TI4200 8X GPU
satisfied : Live-Update Wizard/WinProducer/WinDVD Software
With complete s/w bundle in Aeolus TI4200S 8X, WinDVD and WinProducer make you as video professor. It can support Play/Edit/Record MPEG with DVD quality. For the Aeolus TI4200S 8X had 270MHz nVIDIA Geforce 4 TI4200 via 500MHz 3.6ns fast DDR which had 128MB video capacity to launch
applications of Graphic & Video. And AOpen support direct service to home with Live-Update wizard to check updated driver for user. Only click and follow instructions, all the checking and download via installation are automatically.
A complete VGA solution from AOpen named "Aeolus".