ABIT Siluro

Diverse d.  05. november. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 390 gange.

Active Hardware & XbitLabs har hver lavet en test af ABIT's bud på et GeForce 4 Ti4200.
Dette kort gør sig specielt ved OTES betegnelsen, som står for: "Outside Thermal Exhaust System", som er en speciel køler, der virker som en heatpipe køler, hvori der flyder en væske.
Væsken bliver transporteret væk fra GPU'en, og burde give en hel del bedre køling, og en utrolig overclockings-evne.
Læs artiklen og find ud af hvorfor:

Active Hardware
"Abit has a reputation for designing original products, and regularly
surprises us with the quality of its innovations. That's the case we've
been presented with again with the arrival of the Siluro OTES Ti4200
graphics card. OTES stands for "Outside Thermal Exhaust System", and is a
concise description of the very interesting new cooling system that comes
equipped on the Siluro OTES."


"Our today's article is about a new OTES (Outside Thermal Exhaust System) cooling solution from ABIT implemented on their Siluro GF4 Ti4200 graphics card. The sixth sense of an experienced overclocker pushed me to take a really close look at this outstanding device. Follow me to learn more now!"
