nForce 2 vs. Via KT400

Diverse d.  07. november. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 420 gange.

Amdmb har lavet en rigtig lækker artikel, hvor de sammenligner Nvidia's nye nForce 2 chipset med Via's KT400. Vi havde selv et nForce 2 chipset mellem hænderne under testen af AMD XP2800+ processoren, og der er ingen tvivl om at Nvidia vil med på dette marked.
Amdmb har testet de to chipset i følgende programmer:
Quake III: Arena
Unreal Tournament 2K3
3D Mark 2001: SE
SPECviewperf 7.0

"Upon receiving my first NVIDIA nForce2 and VIA KT400 retail motherboards, I immediately began testing them and gathering data in order to compare them all. One of the first things I saw was that the VIA KT400 chipset and NVIDIA nForce2 chipset motherboards were showing some pretty different benchmark results ? enough that I thought it was out of the ordinary.
The benchmark that sparked my interest was Quake III: Arena. While benchmarking the latest KT400 motherboards, I found that it was not performing up to par with the KT333 chipset motherboards I have tested with the same configuration. While the KT333 coupled with the Radeon 9700 was showing more than 300 frames per second, all of the KT400 boards were showing up in the 275 fps range. "