Lite-On 4X DVD-brænder i anden kvartal 2003

Diverse d.  10. november. 2002, skrevet af bruger66666 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 321 gange.

Lite-On kommer med 4X DVD-brænder i anden kvartal 2003
Ifølge så vil LITE-ON komme med en 4x DVD±RW til under 200$ - i 2. kvartal af 2003. skriver:
From the recent interview with the Marketing Manager of Lite-On USA we already learned that Lite-On would come with a DVD recorder. Today the company has let us know and confirmed that it is planning to release a DVD recorder that supports both DVD+RW and DVD-RW, and according to the company hopefully at 4x, for less then 200 USD in the second quarter of 2003.

The company has decided to release a drive with the currently two fighting formats, DVD+RW and DVD-RW, and is competing with the latest drives from Sony and NEC, who also offer both formats, but still at a much higher price. Also the current experiences with Lite-On CD-RW drives make this upcoming DVD recorder probably one of the most anticipated drives of 2003.

"To confirm, the DVDRW product we will have, will support both +/- formats and we hope to introduce a 4x speed DVDRW below $200 USD" according to the Marketing Manager of Lite-On USA.

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