SiS Xabre 600

Diverse d.  26. november. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 529 gange.

Lostcircuit har frigivet deres test af SiS helt nye GPU: Xabre 600
Som så mange andre havde jeg set frem til at se hvad SiS i denne omgang kunne byde på. Man kan jo håbe at de går fra MX-killerne til at konkurrere mod kæmperne fra Nvidia og ATI.
Det tyder dog ikke på i benchmarkene at Xabre 600 flytter bjerge, men er tal alt ?

"Today, the embargo lifts on the latest addition to the graphics market,
that is the SIS Xabre600 which brings the first mass-produced 0.13 µm
design process to market. Like its predecessor, that is the Xabre400, the
Xabre600, turbocharged to a whopping synchronous 300 MHz core/memory clock
features hardware pixel shaders but does vertex shading in hardware
optimized software a.k.a vertexilizer to scale vertex performance with CPU

Historically, the first pass of a new GPU has always been plagued with a
number of issues, most of which can be corrected at a later point via more
mature drivers. The Xabre400 had some rather serious issues with texture
quality and level of detail. How much improvement has been achieved for the
new GPU, how fast is the design and finally, did SIS manage to iron out
some of the stability problems haunting the Xabre400?

Currently the undisputed leader in the lower graphics market segment is
ATI's RADEON 9000 Pro which has been adapted by a variety of third party
manufacturers. One such manufacturer is Tyan who are running their new
graphics division out of Shanghai and we are using their Tachyon G9000 Pro
as the litmus test for the Xabre600. The last aspect of this review will
focus on where the Xabre600 stands in the overall rankings of current
graphics cards including such powerful solutions as the GeForce4 Ti4600 and
the RADEON 9700."

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