SiS Xabre600 vs. GeForce 4 MX400

Diverse d.  26. november. 2002, skrevet af Lazer 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 340 gange.

SiS har netop udgivet endnu et grafikkort i deres SiS Xabre serie. Denne gang har de kaldt det for SiS Xabre600 . Den nye GPU skal i følge SiS tage kampen op mod low-end graffikort, såsom Geforce 4 MX400.

OCworkbench har lavet et review om kortet hvor de netop sammenligner det med GF4 MX400.
De skriver blandt andet følgende:

" SiS is definitely busy with attacking the low end graphics card market. First it was Xabre 400 and now Xabre 600. According to SiS, Xabre 600 is targeting the Radeon 9000 and MX440 cards. With a new core and memory clock default to 300Mhz and a silicon process of 0.13um, it definitely cools the GPU down and make it a good choice for overclocking since it comes with 2.8ns vram. In our tests, we managed to run it at 335/350 without problems.

On the Xabre 600, Xabre's new revolutionary new Vertexilizer? Engine is a software and hardware vertex processing engine. This will definitely help in delivering better performance as it will offload some of the processing from the GPU to the higher speed CPUs. Furthermore, Xabre's intelligent design platform allows future upgrades without yanking any hardware.

With Xabre 600, we see a new series of Xsmart technology. XmartDrive? senses the need for speed when entering complex, 3D environments and cranks up processing power. And when it's time to get back to your regular office work, Xabre's XmartDrive? automatically spools down the processing power. XmartVision? gives you a visual edge by automatically sensing when a 3D environment may be too dark and making corrections instantly to render a rich visual environment. XmartAGP? With the dizzying number of chipsets and motherboards available today, remembering your system's optimal AGP capability is probably not at the top of your "to-do" list. XmartAGP? technology automatically queries the host computer, dynamically adjusting itself to maximize performance. Whether your system operates at a poky 1X AGP, or the latest 8X performance standard, Xmart-AGP? brings out the best your computer has to offer

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