ATI smider endnu et kort på markedet!

Diverse d.  28. november. 2002, skrevet af Lazer 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 441 gange.

Her på det sidste har ATI , i en lind strøm, sendt graffikkort ud på markedet, med hvilke de må siges at have overtaget tronen i performance sammenhæng. Men de stopper ikke her. Denne gang har de smidt et ATI Radeon 9500 PRO på gaden. Dette kort, som skulle være lillebror til ATI Radeon 9700 PRO, klarer sig helt fantastisk og kan tilbyde alle de samme features.

Beyond3D har lavet et review af kortet og set ud fra det må man sige at dette kort formegentligt bedre kan betale sig at købe - i bogstaveligste forstand :)

" ATI appears to be building a habit here. In July 2002 they unveiled their latest high end, DirectX9 part, the Radeon 9700 PRO, and then, one month later, they hit retail and the full product reviews were unleashed. Just a little over a month ago ATI announced the expansion of their R300 based DirectX9 boards with Radeon 9500, 9500 PRO and 9700, and today we have the full ATI Radeon 9500 128MB product review to signify the retail release of the board.

With the expansion of the R300 product portfolio ATI's aim is to introduce a more top-to-bottom solution of DX9 parts, with only the low end Radeon 9000 boards still being DirectX8.1 based. With a wide range of DX9 boards at affordable price points ATI is hoping to capitalise as much as possible on the eventual final release of Microsoft's DirectX9 API, which is currently in RC0 ('Release Candidate') public beta testing.

Although for each of the products of ATI's line-up announced so far there are 'PRO' and 'non-PRO' variants ATI's own board branding will only adopt the higher end PRO variants, allowing their 3rd party board vendors a little more diversity from ATI and a wider range of options to choose from -- as, for example, our recent Sapphire ATLANTIS Radeon 9500 review shows. Outwardly this does mean that ATI essentially appears to be taking the cream-of-the-crop for themselves!

So, lets see how this latest addition to the ATI family stacks up...

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