Blæseren er bla. ikke helt normal. Det er en af de lidt nyere modeller hvor den elektriske del, som driver blæseren sidder i rammen, og ikke i midten og derfor ikke har en så stor "deadspot". Selve profilen er også ret "anderledes" end dem man plejer at se.
"Vantec put some serious thought into this cooler. The heatsink design is similar to that of the Dr Thermal and Thermalrite AX7 coolers. There are fins on all 4 sides of the cooler and in the center of it all is a copper core in which the CPU core makes contact with. The fin design is pretty unique. If you look at the diagram below you can see just how unique it really is. The air comes down through the fins and is channeled out away from the cpu. This was done so that the heat is taken away from the heatsink. The other coolers with a similar design are cut straight down and allows the warm air to blow right onto the CPU and to possibly hang in that area causing the temps to be higher." http://www.pcabusers.com/reviews/aeroflow/p1.html