ASUS A7N8X Deluxe testes

Diverse d.  17. december. 2002, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 361 gange.

Endnu en test, af det snart berømte Asus Nforce2 mobo, som næsten med garanti kan presse CPU og ram til det yderste gennem OC :)

"With the AMD Athlon XP processor bus at 133MHz (266MHz DDR) there are no real gains by using PC2700 (DDR333) as the processor bus with only a peak bandwidth of 2.1GB/s (or PC2100) is the bottleneck. With the AMD Athlon XP bus at 166MHz (333MHz DDR) which matches the bandwidth of PC2700 at a bandwidth of 2.7GB/s the picture changes. Again PC3200 (DDR400) has a higher bandwidth of 3.2GB/s.
The Vss pin on the AMD Socket is connected to ground letting the ASUS A7N8X nForce2 BIOS automatically unlock the AMD Athlon XP Thoroughbred-B multiplier settings when fitted making this an ideal AMD Athlon XP motherboard for overclocking. No need to do any work on your AMD Athlon XP processor any more. This is a feature of the NVIDIA nForce2 chipset."