Corsair TwinX PC3200

Diverse d.  18. februar. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 366 gange.

Så har DWGP lavet en test af Corsairs bud på det ultimative DUAL DDR sæt.
Det ser ud til at være ret godt når man kigger på ydelsen, men det har jo også altid været Corsairs varemærke.

"That being said, I wasn't disappointed in the least with the performance of
the modules. In fact, after I finished the benches I decided to crank up the
FSB to 211(which, for the record, is the max of what the Asus A7N8X can
deliver), my video card to 325/745 and see what it would do in 3DMark. I was
pleasantly surprised to finally break the 15K Mark with my Ti4600."