CoolerMaster Aluminium musemåtte

Diverse d.  18. februar. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 374 gange.

DVhardware har lavet en lidt usædvanlig test.
Det er en musemåtte fra CoolerMaster der må igennem kritikerne.

"The Aluminium Mouse pad from Cooler Master has a great design.
It's made for the 10th anniversary of Cooler Master and only 5000 pads were
made, so that makes it a real collectors item of Cooler Master fans. It
does only fit with ball Mice's, so don't try it out with your optical
mouse. Maybe some will work but most will give a bad tracking on this pad.
The pad makes more noise than a ordinary Mouse pad, but you can live with
it. It's also a bit too small, but like I said, the excellent design makes
the Mouse pad a thing to have!"