GeForce FX - 4 Pipelines & 2 TMU's?

Diverse d.  23. februar. 2003, skrevet af Calium 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 334 gange.

Det lader til, at TheInquirer har fundet et svar på, hvorfor Nvidia har ført hårdt imod FutureMarks nye 3DMark03:

"From the time when Nvidia first questioned the validity of 3DMark03 and its single texturing as a method of rendering that is rarely used in games we knew that somthing was rotten in Denmark."

"An Nvidia technical marketing manager confirmed to us that Geforce FX has 4 Pipelines and 2 Texture Memory Units that can results with 8 textures per clock but only in multitexturing."

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