FIC AU11 nForce 2

Diverse d.  25. februar. 2003, skrevet af Gobo 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 392 gange.

VR-Zone har travlt. De har nu testet et nForce 2 bundkort fra FIC.
FIC er nok mest kendt for deres grafikkort, men de kan også også lave bundkort.
De har testet kortet mod: ABIT KD7-Raid og Leadtek K7NCR18D-Pro.

"We were not able to unlock the multiplier of the CPU with the AU11's BIOS, however we did manage to crank up the front side bus up to 187mhz and achieved an overclock of 274mhz, giving us a total clock speed of 2349mhz. The board would load windows all the way up to 190mhz, but at 187mhz the AU11 ran flawlessly and therefore we decided to benchmark at the sweet spot of 187mhz"