Raidtronics Aluminum 288 kabinet

Diverse d.  27. februar. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 314 gange.

3dGameMan har gennemgået dette aluminiumskabinet fra Raidtronics.
Det er som sædvanlig blevet til et video-review fra 3dGameMan.

"The Raidtronics Aluminum 288 Case has all the essential items you would expect from a budget mid tower case and more. It has four 5.25", two 3.5" exposed and four X 3.5" internal drive bays. Also included is a side window with a 80mm clear fan and another 80mm fan at the rear which provides good air circulation. This product combines style and functionality at a very reasonable price. Watch the Video to find out more..."

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