X-Pider Aluminium Kabinet

Diverse d.  07. marts. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 456 gange.

OverclockerCafe ser her nærmere på et ret flot aluminiums kabinet fra X-Pider.
Det har en fed blå farve, og der er vindue i siden.

"I think this case really does show off with those included LED fans. Granted, they're not quite bright enough for me, but even still, with that large window they cast plenty of glow for the buck. You can also see that with the way the front grill is designed, it allows the light from the fans to show through, which does enhance it looks from the front."

Review link: http://www.overclockercafe.com/Reviews/cases/X-PiderCase/index.html