Sharp LL-T1620 16

Diverse d.  07. marts. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 307 gange.

Gamingin3d har kigget nærmere på en Sharp fladskærm, med et rigtig lækker design.
Det kan være svært at finde skærme, som har en meget smal kant, men det lader til at Sharp også kan finde ud af det.

"As you may know, all LCD monitors have a "native resolution", as they
have a set number of pixels. You can't go higher, and going lower forces
the monitor to stretch the image out amongst the pixels, which will
obviously cost you some image quality. Now, if you're quite the gamer,
then you'll know that a handful of games use a resolution of 1280x960 as
opposed to 1280x1024. Why? Good question. In fact, the question should
be, "Why isn't 1280x960 the standard resolution?" It should be."

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