Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 Serial ATA Drive

Diverse d.  09. marts. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 311 gange.

Envynews har verdens første test af en Maxtor seriel harddisk.
Indtil videre har Seagate jo sat på den eneste plads i den kategori, men endelig er der kommet andre til.

Without a doubt Serial ATA has become one of the most exciting developments in the computer industry. Allowing for blazing fast transfer speeds and hot swapability normally found in enterprise level drives, Serial ATA hard drives have become one of the hottest commodities around. In a World-Exclusive review Envy News takes a look at the drive that has just taken the Serial ATA speed crown, Maxtor's DiamondMax Plus 9 Serial ATA 160GB drive. Here's a clip from the review:

"If you need a new hard drive or you?re wanting to experience Serial ATA first hand, then this is the drive to get at this point. With 8mb of cache, large 80GB platters, and performance that is competitive with RAID_0 systems, this drive is the best-performing Serial ATA drive available and a must-have for anyone in need of blistering performance and massive storage. If this drive is an indication of what Serial ATA is capable of offering, then we?re in for a very wild ride as the standard takes off."