Ny CPU køler fra Coolermaster

Diverse d.  11. marts. 2003, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 382 gange.

Coolermaster Aero 7

Cebit står for døren - og vi vil se mange spændende nye tiltag, her er en ny CPU cooler fra Coolermaster baseret på en vidreudvikling af Heat Pipe teknologien, hvor det gælder om at fjerne så meget varme som muligt.


It has been a while since we released our XDream. It may seem that we stayed low profile for such a long time, but believe it or not, we invested a lot of human resources to bring you new ideas and new technologies! Something even more spectacular than the previous Heat Pipe Technology!

The basics of CPU heat dissipation using an axial fan is that the air pressure & volume produced by the fan exchanges with heat from the heat sink. However, only the farthest side of the blade from the axle produces the most air pressure and volume, and most importantly, it is unable to blow towards the center of the heat sink, which of course, is the hottest part of the heat sink.

And that's why Aero series has been invented. This blower is quite different from others normally available on the market. It uses a different kind of motor, enabling the fan blades to push air directly into the center of the heat sink. Furthermore, blowers produce larger air pressure than traditional axial fans, thus they can preform extremely well even with lower speed settings. Aero 7 is for Socket A, 370, 462, 7 and It uses copper stacked fin design.