Matrox Millenium P750

Diverse d.  11. maj. 2003, skrevet af Kays 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 350 gange.

Matrox Millenium P750.
Der kommer mange reviews af nVidia og Radeon baserede grafikkort - Her er en test af et multi-monitor baseret matrox kort.
Temmelig stor test på 10 sider, der går i dybden med dette nye skud på stammen af grafikkort fra Matrox.
Men tag jer i agt, hvis i har et nForce2 baseret bundkort er det ikke et Matrox gfx i skal vælge.
Har selv draget lignende erfaringer med, at et Asus A7N8X ikke kan køre stabilt med et Matrox kort.

Her er hvad Icrontic skriver om den problemstilling:

Not everything goes as planned:
The Matrox Millennium P750 was intended to be tested on the ASUS A7N8X v.2.0 motherboard. There was a problem. After repeated attempts a new NFORCE2 motherboard was employed but the problem persisted. It is a known issue with Matrox cards and NFORCE2 chipsets. The Millennium P750 fell into the same hole. We asked Matrox and this is what they had to say.

"We are aware of the issue that currently exists with Matrox graphics cards and nForce motherboards and at present we haven't had the opportunity to address it with the manufacturer."

The issue is with Direct3D applications and the fact the card will lock the desktop or not load the application at all. The Matrox statement is nebulous at best but it comes down to driver problems. On one side or the other somebody hasn't got things quite right; be it Matrox or NVIDIA. With the amount of problems that NVIDIA chipset drivers are having in our forums I would not be too quick to point the finger at Matrox.