Ny kølepasta fra Arctic Silver "Ceramique"

Diverse d.  10. juni. 2003, skrevet af Kays 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 818 gange.

Ny kølepasta fra Arctic Silver "Ceramique"
Arctic Silver har udviklet en ny kølepasta med navnet Ceramique. Mon ikke mange overclockere er nysgerrige efter at se om den nye kølepasta kan få deres CPU nogen grader længere ned.
Gruntville.com skriver i konklusionen:
As you can see by the results there is only a 1-3C improvement over AS3 and the Antec prodcuts, which is quite a leap in performance pastes. That being said, in the quest for more speed, stability, and power, any product that can lower your CPU temperatures for only $4-5 is well worth it.
