Onkel Tom tester ram.

Diverse d.  13. august. 2003, skrevet af Kays 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 535 gange.

Onkel Tom tester ram.
Der er tale om test af mærker som OCZ, Corsair og Kingston HyperX af den helt hurtige slags der kan køre 250 MHz X dual eller quad pumped.
Onklen filosoferer også en del over ren FSB clockning af hurtige P4 cpu'er med de nye hurtige DDR 500 ram, der kan tåle man skruer FSB i vejret.
The best thing about the 1000-MHz FSB and extra chip speed is the excellent system stability - the three memory module offerings we tested gave us absolutely no problems throughout the tests. The modules with the most credit are definitely OCZ Technologies', as they can be run at the highest speeds.
